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Internet Security Mgmt Tools
Popup Blocker
Email Filtering
Privacy Protection Shield
Spyware Blocker
Intrusion Blocker
Hijacker Blocker
Web Script Blocker
Parental Control Systems
Gargoyle Junior Edition
Gargoyle Standard Edition
Gargoyle Enterprise Edition
Gargoyle Corporate Edition
Gargoyle eSecure Suite
Gargoyle secureDoc
Gargoyle secureMail
* Some of the Current Privacy & Security Threats

Here are some examples of the security threats that our products will solve:

Application Security. Out patented products can repel threats from many sources of application security threats.  However, our products can uniquely solve the specific "Cross Site Request Forgery" attack.  No other technology can solve this particular attack.  For a list of application security threats please visit the OWASP web site.

Unlimited Porn, and Violent Materials.  The unsupervised and unlimited access to the porn on the web creates some of the most serious security threats for children, working parents and families.    

Cyber Security  and Social  Engineering Attcks

Identity Theft.  One of the 5 most critical cyber threats is Identity theft.  Our patented strong identity solution provides additional identity factor beyond all the existing methods.  The  solution can be very effective for critical resources and user data protection.  Please contact our sales department for details.

Cross Site Requests Forgery XSRF/CSRF Attacks.  One of the 10 most critical cyber threats.  Out uniaue and patented solution gurantees a full identity protection.

Data Storage Protection.  Our Cloud storage solution allows the maximal data protection. Please contact our sales department for details on Cloud solutions.

Computer Disk Confidentiality.  The unprotected user computer files may create the ultimate risks to the individuals and corporates.  For example, if a computer is lost accidentally, then all its files are available to the intruders.  As another example, when a user deletes a file, the file will be available through the use of data recovery tools.  Any intruder may recover all the user-deleted files, as well as other available files.  Families face additional dilemma.  Children may simply make attempts to look at the family sensitive files. 

Email Confidentiality.  There are many private data mining , and spying engines that simply listens to all types of Internet communications.  In particular, these machines listen to email communications, collect the useful user information, and aggregate them for future use.  The aggregated and specific user information may endup in the hand of third parties.  These confidential information will affect negatively the consumer's bargaining power against the insurance companies, and health care industries.

Financial Lawsuits.  There are many occasions that the transparency of user online activities, or client's confidential information leakage may bring financial lawsuits to the corporates as well as the families.  For example, some children may purchase online music files, and innocently exchange their paid music files with their friends.  Children may use email system to send music file as attachments.  This ordinary file exchange among children may look like a simple music CD exchange among friends.  However, the so-called 'file-sharing' exchange may bring unwelcoming corporate lawsuits by music industry.  Families may face sever emotional, and financial damages.  

Lack of Control.  The Corporates may require a unified control system for governing the employee activities, and trends during working hours.  Parents may need to control and limit their children web access during unsupervised hours.  They may wish to limit the web email, and web access to certain hours.  

Information Confidentiality.  Unauthorized email users may disclose some critical Information.  Some web sites may collect confidential information prior to providing any services.  Some others may provide malicious agents to collect use information.  While, the corporates may fight back with some portion of the threats through the use of tools, and other employee awareness programs, the children may not fully understand the severity of the threats.  Therefore, the confidentiality breaches pose as very serious threats to corporates, and families.

Remote Intruders.  These are malicious characters that seek access to the user computer by the Internet connection channel.  Such invasions generally only occur during the Internet connection period.  The threat tends not to exist while the user computer is not connected to the Internet.  The intruders may maliciously read the computer file system partially or fully.

Local Intruders.  These are the malicious characters that seek physical access to the user computer. Internet access does not play a significant role in this type of threat.  However, Internet access can facilitate the transfer of stolen information to other locations.  The threat continues even if the user is not connected to the Internet.  The worst cases are when the computer itself is either lost or stolen.  The intruders may maliciously read, write, or destroy the computer file system partially or fully.  

Local Intruder- Children.  On the multi user home computers, the intrusion threats may become different.  Usually, parents use the home computers for downloading sensitive files, or storing sensitive financial files.  These files may contain complex Audio/Visual contents to the more sensitive financial materials.  Occasionally, the children may get accidental access to these files.    

Eavesdroppers.  These are malicious characters that listen to all kinds of transmissions over the Internet.  The intruders may maliciously read the transmitted information contained in emails and other sources.  The threats become very serious during wireless Internet access by mobile devices.  

Hijackers.  These are the Internet hackers who gain access to the user computer first, and then use the computer system by itself for unsavory activities.  They may, for example, use hijacked computers for sending Spam emails or providing porn services to others.

User Impersonation.  When hijackers use the user computers for providing online services, they use the user computer’s address as the source of porn services.  Furthermore, they may access email accounts on the user computer, and then send their own Spam email messages by using the user email address as the source of malicious emails.

Trojan Horses and Spyware Agents.  Trojan horses or Spyware are computer programs that may relay information from the user computers to the outside world.  They may even send emails to other computers.  These agents may maliciously read, write, or destroy the computer file system partially or fully.  Viruses are among these categories.  The problem with these agents is that they need to be invited by the computer users.  Otherwise, they cannot penetrate the computers by themselves.  The user invitations are guaranteed when users download any interesting program from the web, or when they open an email attachment.  Even when parents are careful not to download Spyware programs, their children may do so when they download any free software. 


Related News and Announcements

Only the Gargoyle eSecureTM Suite can Guarantee your complete information security & email privacy.


Only the Gargoyle Products may provide the combined Speed, Power, Control, Security, and Privacy in one single solution.  *All the Gargoyle products may be programmed during any calendar day.  This means that the individual features may be turned on/off, or individually personalized for specific users and during certain hours of daily operation.  Even the Web Access may be turned off at given hours.


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